Hailey's Truth Read online

Page 26

  “What a douche bag,” Jackson scoffed.

  Austin smiled. “Copy that.” He popped his head in the vans. “Okay guys, all clear. Let’s get inside.”

  Everyone filed out and into the front entrance of the school. As the group wandered to the gym, cheers and applause broke out.

  “Welcome, Project Mexico.” The man at the small podium smiled, waving a hand. “Come in, my friends, and meet the children of our wonderful school.”

  More raucous applause followed from the surprisingly large group ranging from tiny tot to high schooler.

  “The students look forward to the week you will spend with us. We would like to share our appreciation by entertaining you, we hope,” the principal winked, “with a few surprises from the children.”

  Everyone from Project Mexico clapped for the kids.

  “If you would kindly follow your guides to our play yard, we would like to get started.” Fourteen children stood from the floor, walked forward, and took a hand of each member of the group.

  Austin grinned when a tiny little thing with big dark eyes clutched his fingers. She couldn’t have been more than five or six, he guessed. “Welcome to our school, Señor,” she said, struggling with her English in an impossibly small voice.

  “Thank you for having us,” he replied in Spanish.

  Her eyes widened and she smiled. “You speak Spanish,” she said, reverting back to her native tongue.

  “Yes.” His heart all but melted. “What’s your name?”


  “I can’t wait to see the show today, Anna.”

  She smiled again as she led him to the playground.

  Small fabric squares on pavement awaited each guest. “Please, take your seat, Señor,” she gestured grandly, “although you are very big. Do you think you will fit?”

  He chuckled. “I think so. Anna, do you see the woman in the purple shirt?”

  “Yes, Señor.”

  “Could you tell your friend to have her sit in the square next to mine? She’s very pretty.”

  Anna giggled. “I will be right back, Señor.”

  A loud round of applause erupted in the gym. That could only mean one thing. “I think the man of the hour arrived,” Austin said into his earpiece. “Let the curtsies begin.”

  Jackson chuckled in his ear.

  Austin breathed deep as three black-suited men stepped outside. Donte followed behind moments later.

  Before Anna could make her way to Hailey’s side, Donte moved in and took her hand. Unlike everyone else, Donte rated a chair, or had insisted on one, was probably more like it. Hailey sat in the seat he gestured to, next to his.

  Anna turned and met Austin’s gaze. Sheer distress paled her pretty little face. Austin gave her a grin he didn’t feel, a casual shrug. Anna smiled in what could only be relief as she waved and hurried back into the gym.

  Jen plopped down next to him. Austin was instantly surrounded by a hint of perfume that fit its owner well—expensive and subtle sex. “Whew, what a day. I’m exhausted.”

  Austin glanced at Hailey as she laughed at something Donte said. He wanted her here, next to him. Instead, he focused his attention on Jen’s pretty blue eyes and corn-silk-blonde hair. “It’s been a long one.”

  “The children are so cute, so well-mannered.” She smiled.

  “Yeah, they are.” He smiled back as he thought of sweet little Anna.

  “I’m looking forward to spending the week here. I was going to be a teacher, but I changed my mind. Sometimes I think I made a mistake.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. You’re pretty great at—“

  “They are coming!” An older man ran up to the chain link fence separating the schoolyard from the main road. “They are coming,” he shouted urgently in broken English “They come for all of you. It is here. The war is here.”

  Austin shot to his feet. “Jackson, let’s get everyone back—“

  Three cars screeched to a stop inches from the fence. Before Austin said another word, all hell broke loose. Project Mexico participants screamed, sprinting for the shelter of the gym amongst the spray of machinegun fire.

  The man who had shouted their warning lay bleeding, dead.

  Austin’s first instinct was to run for Hailey, but Jen stood, gaping, as bullets hit the blacktop around them. “Get down, Jen!” Yanking her to the ground, he rolled with her behind the large metal structure, part of the playground, close to the gym doors.

  “Everyone’s inside,” Jackson’s breathy voice buzzed in his ear. “Wait. Hold that. Fuck. Where’s Jen?”

  “I have Jen.”

  “What about Hailey? Do you have Hailey?”

  Cold fear clutched Austin’s stomach. “You don’t have Hailey? Stay here,” he shouted to Jen. Bullets were still hitting the pavement but all he thought of was finding Hailey. Where the hell was she?

  As abruptly as the chaos had started, it stopped. The cars squealed off, leaving the stench of rubber in their wake. Half of Donte’s men took chase. The other half remained flocked around the man himself, standing guard at the cement wall sectioning the bathrooms from the play yard.

  “Hailey!” Austin shoved as close as the dozen men would allow him. He watched, heart pounding, as the guards moved. Hailey lay on the ground, safe, shielded by Donte.

  Austin’s relief was so huge, he could only be grateful, until Donte skimmed his fingers over Hailey’s cheek, until he remembered they were in this situation because of the Zulas leader in the first place.

  “Is everyone okay? Did anyone get hurt?” Hailey glanced around, shell-shocked.

  Donte still lay on Hailey, still stroking her skin with the familiarity of a lover. “You’re safe.”

  Hailey struggled to her elbows. “What about the children? What about Austin?” She scrambled to her feet. “Austin.” She shoved through the wall of bodyguards, rushed into his arms, shaking. “Austin. Oh, you’re safe. You’re safe.”

  He held her against him, pressed her cheek to his chest, relieved, not only that Hailey was out of harm’s way, but that she seemed unaffected by Donte’s touch. “I’m okay.” He drew her back. “Are you?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I’m good.” Her gaze wandered to the small crowd of teachers and community members surrounding the man by the chainlink fence. “That man. That poor man. Will he be okay?”

  Austin said nothing and sorrow filled her eyes. He pressed Hailey’s forehead to his chest, played his fingers through her hair, struggling to concentrate on his job. “We need to get inside, get you all back in the vans and get out of here. Jackson, let’s load everyone—”

  “Mr. Casey, perhaps you should take more care.” Donte stopped in front of Austin, eyes blazing.

  He didn’t have time for anything this fucker had to say. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “While I was protecting your woman, you were protecting another.” He gestured to Jen, who was still huddled by the playground equipment, crying hysterically as Jackson helped her to her feet and brought her inside.

  “Oh, it’s okay Donte,” Hailey turned away from Austin and laid a hand on Donte’s shoulder. “We’re all safe.” Her gaze darted to the dead man as she clutched an arm around Austin’s waist.

  “No, quite frankly, Hailey, it was not okay.” Donte took her chin in his hand. “You are a precious soul who deserves to always be first. Never second. Your man chose another instead of choosing you.” Donte’s ruthless stare bore into Austin. “You do not deserve what you have, Mr. Casey. If you will excuse me.” Donte left for his limo.

  Chapter 20

  HOURS LATER, DONTE’S WORDS STILL burned Austin’s ass. Fists bunched, simmering, he stared through beachfront doors at the waves crashing on the shore. Hailey was first in his life and always would be. Did sh
e know that? Did Donte’s comments bother her as much as they did him?

  Unable to put it away, Austin rushed down the hall. He spotted Hailey playing cards with Mia and Charles in the crowded living room, took her hand, and pulled her up. Conversation stopped as all eyes wandered to them.

  “Austin, I’m in the middle of a game.”

  “You can finish later.” He all but dragged her through his bedroom and into the bathroom, shut the door, and locked it. “You’re first, Hailey.” He paced the large space.


  “I couldn’t leave her standing there, staring, while bullets landed at her feet.”

  “Austin, I—“

  He grabbed her arms, stared into her eyes. “I love you.”

  “Austin, I know that. Is this about Donte? About what he said?”

  “Yes,” he bit off.

  She wrapped her hands around his wrists. “He was wrong. Donte was absolutely wrong. He and his men whisked me away so quickly; I had no idea what was going on. Then it was over.”

  “It should’ve been me.” At the heart of it, that’s what bothered him most. “I should’ve kept you safe.”

  “You did your job, Austin. You saved Jen’s life today. One person died, but one lived. She’s here because of you.”

  That did little to soothe him. He grunted.

  “What would we’ve told Jen’s parents if you had come running after me? I was well-protected. She wasn’t. You did exactly the right thing, Austin. I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if she had died because of me.”

  He stared into Hailey’s eyes, knowing she made perfect sense, but he wasn’t ready to drop it. “I don’t like him, Hailey.” He spun away. “Donte’s bad news.”

  “You’re angry with the situation in general.”

  “No, I’m not. Yes, I am,” Austin corrected, squeezing his fingers against the tension at the base of his neck. “But there’s more to it.”

  “He can’t be all bad. You were at the office today. You saw what he offered to do. He’s going to rebuild all of those homes. He donated the baskets of food and water, and those will feed families for days. Despite how you feel, Donte does good things. I can only be grateful.”

  “I don’t want you to be grateful,” he tossed back, frustration seething in every word. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell her Donte was the reason for the shooting at the school, that they were gunning for him because he was head of the fucking Mexican Mafia. Instead, he fumed in silence. “I want you to stay away from him.”

  “Why? Austin, I think—“

  He whirled again. “I want you to stay away from him,” he repeated, meeting Hailey’s gaze, staring at the questions, the confusion in her eyes. “This isn’t caveman, macho shit, Hailey. There’s more to him than you think.”

  Her brow winged up and she crossed her arms. “Such as?”

  “Just trust me.

  She huffed out a breath. “See, there you go again. You give me pieces, then you evade. I want real answers.”

  “I’m asking you to trust me. I know that’s not fair—”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Hailey, just for a little while.” Austin took her face in his hands, rested his forehead against hers. “Please, I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

  She sighed. “I know.” Her fingers gripped his wrists and he relaxed. “I’ll stay away from Donte.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” She pressed her lips to his. “I won’t be patient for those answers forever.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “You also know I love you, right? I’m only interested in you.” She snagged his lip between her teeth.

  “That isn’t what this is about.”

  “I only want you, Austin.” Her eyes heated as her voice thickened with desire. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

  He stared, captivated, as Hailey said what he’d been thinking himself. “Move in with me when we get home,” he blurted.

  She dropped her hands. “What?”

  Pulling her against him, he locked his arms around her waist. “I said move in with me. Let’s live together.”

  “Uh…I’m…wow. You want to live together?”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s what I just said.”

  “I’m trying to catch up.” She beamed. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe this is really happening. Okay, yes. Absolutely. I’ll move in with you.” She kissed him quick. “I’m so happy.” Hailey threw her arms around him in a hug.

  He stroked his hand down her back, relieved. “Me too.”

  She met his gaze and brushed her fingers through his hair. “I love you, Austin.”

  The heat was back in her eyes, in her sultry voice. She was knotting his stomach with need. “You should probably show me.”

  “Mmm, I probably should.” Hailey sunk her teeth into his chin, bringing pleasure and pain as she pulled at the snap on his jeans and tugged on the zipper.

  Ready to explode, Austin yanked Hailey’s t-shirt over her head, threw it to the floor, had her bra following seconds later. He walked her back to the wall as his mouth captured her perky breast, savoring her sweet taste, the feel of her taught nipple against his tongue.

  Whimpering, her fingers tightened on his hips, kneading.

  “I have to have you,” he said, his declaration muffled against hot, soft skin. “I have to have you right now, Hailey. Right now.”

  She dragged at denim, at boxers, until he was free.

  Cool fingers clamped around him, stroking. He groaned against her neck. If he didn’t take her, he would erupt in her hand. In defense, he snagged her wrists and lifted them above her head. He yanked the snap on her shorts, at the zipper. Khakis slid down her legs. “I want to be in you.” He snuck two fingers under her panties and shoved them deep.

  Hailey gasped, stiffened, moaned. He took her mouth, swallowing the throaty sounds of her orgasm. He wanted to hear her scream the way she had in the cabana, but the group was just down the hall. Even so, he continued to play his fingers in a steady rhythm as his thumb pressed, circling, sending her flying again. Pouring, she contracted around him, tensing and letting out a strangled cry.

  He strained against the need to fulfill them both, but held out. Who knew how long it would be before he had her like this again.

  Austin picked her up, and Hailey twined her legs around him. He tortured them both by shoving himself into her heat.

  They groaned in unison.

  Clutching her hips, he rammed, once, twice, leaving her on the brink as he set her on the edge of the counter. He craved to keep going until Hailey was satisfied, until he was empty, but instead he pulled out.

  “What-what are you doing, Austin?” she strangled out with hurried breaths.

  In answer he got on his knees, yanked her to him, finishing her off with his teeth and tongue. Fingers clutched in his hair as her head fell back. Despite her desperate attempts, she cried out.

  “Austin… Austin…” she panted. “I—“

  “More, Hailey.”

  He stood again, ravaged her mouth as the need to bring her higher consumed him. Pulling her from the counter, Austin set her on her feet and turned her until they both faced the long mirror. “Watch. I want you to watch,” he huffed against her ear.

  Bending her forward, gripping her shoulders, he shoved himself up, staggered by the whippy thrill as Hailey’s brows furrowed, and her mouth opened to let out a shuddering moan. Thrusting, Austin pressed his hands to her breasts, played, massaged aroused nipples as Hailey stared back in the mirror.

  Her legs trembled, her head rested against his chest as she clasped her arms around his neck, gulping for air.

  “More.” Austin took Haile
y’s hand and moved it to her front, used his fingers to press hers to herself, circling, until she sobbed, until she went rigid, her eyes glazing as she pulsed against them both.

  “Oh my God, Austin,” she gasped. “Oh my God.” She sunk against him as her legs buckled, as she quivered, spent. “Austin, please, please go over. I—I can’t take anymore.”

  “Not yet.” But it was a struggle. Watching Hailey lost in ecstasy brought him to the brink. This wasn’t how he intended to finish. He’d brought them both to fevered pitch, but he wanted her slow and long. “Not like this, Hailey.”

  Yanking their towels from the chrome bar, he laid them on the bathroom floor and took her hand. They kneeled on the green cotton of his towel, the white of hers. He kissed her, gently, tenderly this time, changing the mood of their lovemaking. There was always so much flash, so much fire, but there was another way that he hadn’t shown her often enough.

  Austin laid Hailey back, his mouth never leaving hers. Her hands skimmed up his waist, over his shoulders, along his neck, into his hair.

  Staring into her eyes, he brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “I love you.”

  She smiled slowly, beautifully. “I love you too.”

  He touched his lips to hers again, pushed himself into her. Hailey’s fingers clutched at his back as she gasped. He clenched his jaw from the rush of staggering sensations.

  Each thrust was unhurried, each brush of lips full of meaning. He clasped his fingers with hers and rested his arm beside her head.

  With every push forward, she rocked, until she moved faster, her body taking over. Hailey urged him to hurry as she wrapped her legs around him, but he refused.

  His breath caught in his throat as he slid against her tight, wet smoothness, unable to hold back. Heat coursed through him as Hailey let herself go. He followed, coming as she came, swallowing her moans as she swallowed his.