Hailey's Truth Page 24
She sat up and leaned her arms against his chest. “Okay, what’s up?”
“As you know, Jackson and I plan to break the team into two groups of six. It’ll be easier to keep everyone accounted for, at least when we’re out and about. I think it’d be better, all around, if we put you on Jackson’s team.”
“Oh.” She sat up straighter, her body no longer resting on his as her brows furrowed.
Austin took her hand. “I’m concerned about my ability to do my job if we’re in each other’s space all the time.” He kissed her fingers. “I love you, Hailey. I can’t be objective when it comes to you. You distract me.”
A slow, knowing smile spread across her lips. “Well, when you put it that way…”
Grinning, he pulled her back. “You make me crazy,” he murmured against her neck, making her chuckle. “Absolutely, mind-numbingly crazy.”
Hailey had all but turned his brain to mush an hour before checkout. Breakfast had been forgotten, along with their last walk on the beach, when she’d pulled him, fully clothed, into the lake-sized tub, and took advantage of him. The bed had been next, followed by the whicker couch. The coup de grace had been Hailey pressed against the door, her legs wrapped around his waist while she moaned his name.
He no longer worried about her ability to relax when they were together. Hailey’s shyness had disintegrated. She’d turned into a maniac—not that he was complaining.
The cab pulled around to the busy drop-off. Austin held Hailey close a moment longer, knowing that once they stepped from the vehicle, everything would change. Life was about to get hectic for both of them. Austin handed the cabbie his fare and tip. He and Hailey got out, both of them dressed in jeans and black Project Mexico tees. With luggage in hand, they started toward the sliding door of the airport.
They removed their sunglasses as they stepped inside, stopping in front of a monitor.
“Wow. They might actually be here a few minutes early. Does that really happen? I should take a picture of this.” Hailey held her phone up to the screen and snapped a photo.
Austin shook his head and chuckled.
“I wonder if that’s them.” Hailey pulled him to the large window as a 747 made a circle toward the runway. “I hope so.” She turned, beaming, vibrating with excitement. “I can’t wait to get started. I’ve wanted to do this since I read about it my freshman year.”
“Well, get ready, because I don’t think you’ll sit down again until March. Our schedules are jammed tight.”
Hailey’s smile dimmed a bit. “We’re not going to see each other much, huh?”
“Not like we have this week, but we’ll see each other. We’ll be living in the same house.”
“I know. It’ll be different though.” She nibbled her bottom lip as her eyes filled with worry.
“It’s only three months.” He played his fingers through Hailey’s ponytail. “How much can change in three months?”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She gave him a small smile.
“We should probably head to baggage claim. Wait for everyone there. You ready?”
She stared out the window. “Mmmhmm.”
“Let’s go.” Austin snagged Hailey’s hand, watching her out of the corner of his eye as they walked. She’d lost some of her sparkle. Austin spotted a hallway, pulled her into it, and pressed her against the wall, resting his hands on her hips. “Hey, what’s wrong? I thought you were excited.”
She shook her head. “Nothing’s wrong. And I am excited.”
He nibbled her jaw. “What’s eating at you all of a sudden?”
“I’m not sure. She avoided his gaze. “I can’t put my finger on it.”
“For some reason, I’m not buying that.” He eased her chin up until she had to look at him. “Tell me about it.”
“It’s silly, I guess.” She gave him a jerky shrug. “But what if this changes us? What if things aren’t the same between us after we’re finished here? There’re times I wake up next to you and can’t believe you’re mine. How did this happen, Austin? How did I luck out and get everything I’ve ever wanted? Sometimes I’m afraid it’s too good to be true.”
“I have more faith in us than that. I want you to as well.”
“No one…” She shook her head and looked down.
He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “No one what?”
“No one ever stays. Everyone goes away.”
He rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. Hailey’s vulnerability always brought him to his knees, especially when she tried to be so strong.
“Hailey.” He framed her face, waited for her to look at him. She met his stare and wrapped her hands at his wrists as she always did. “I love you.” Austin needed her to see he meant everything he said. “I love you, Hailey. Nothing will ever change that.”
A hint of doubt still lingered in her eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He pressed his lips to hers. “I’m not going anywhere,” he repeated, before he kissed her again and lost himself in her.
Flight 458 from Dallas/Fort Worth was announced, and Austin eased away. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She hugged him tight.
He rested his cheek against her hair, playing his fingers through her ponytail. As passengers deplaning from a nearby flight walked past, Austin noticed a black-suited man standing close, recognized him as a bodyguard.
Lifting his head, tensing, Austin counted at least a dozen more. He glanced around before his gaze stopped dead on Donte Rodriguez. Donte stood across the room, surrounded by a wall of muscled protection. He watched as the Zulas leader’s eyes locked on Hailey’s arms wrapped around him. Austin tightened his grip, holding Hailey closer, recognizing the small smile of challenge lighting Donte’s face.
Austin had no doubt he held what Donte wanted most.
Project Mexico participants shuffled in from the jetway, all of them dressed in jeans and black Project Mexico t-shirts. Hailey closed her eyes, holding Austin a moment longer, knowing she had to let him go. But she didn’t want to. Something told her that as soon as she did, nothing would be the same.
She tried to hold tight to Austin’s reassurances that they would be just fine, that he wasn’t going anywhere. Austin was right after all: She wasn’t putting much faith in what they had. Although their relationship had changed, they had a strong foundation—a three-year friendship. That meant something. He wanted her—loved her. That meant everything. Hailey took a deep breath and released Austin from her grip. “I guess it’s time.”
His gaze snapped to hers. “Huh?”
She raised an eyebrow and smiled. “I said, I guess it’s time.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” He touched his lips to hers.
Hailey savored the warmth, knowing it would be some time before she felt his mouth against hers. She’d read between the lines when Austin told her they would be on separate teams. Both were officially in professional mode; public displays of affection were a thing of the past. She drew away. “Well, here goes nothing.”
They stepped from the hall. Austin held her hand a moment longer before he gave her fingers a gentle squeeze, then let go. He moved toward the sea of black t-shirts, making his way to the front where Jackson waited as Hailey immersed herself among the Project Mexico members she’d met at the get-to-know-you session the University held two weeks before. She exchanged smiles and hellos with most of the group.
“Hailey, right?” The pretty, smiling redhead stopped in front of her.
“Right.” Hailey smiled back, enjoying the enthusiasm in the redhead’s bright green eyes. Her name was on the tip of Hailey’s tongue: Machaela, Mickey, Marsha…
“Mia.” Mia held out her hand.
“Mia.” Hailey beamed and rolled her eyes as she acc
epted Mia’s handshake. “Sorry.”
“No problem. I can’t believe we’re here.” Mia glanced around. “I’ve been ready for weeks.”
“I know. I think we’re going to have a great—“
Someone tapped her shoulder. Hailey turned to find herself standing face-to-face with Donte Rodriguez. “Donte! What a surprise.” Her smile warmed. “What are you doing here?”
“Hailey, I’ll see you around.”
Hailey glanced at Mia as she wandered into the crowd. “Nice to meet you again, Mia.” Hailey directed her attention back to Donte. “Sorry.”
He brushed her apology away. “There’s much confusion at a time like this. I remembered you telling me Project Mexico would start today. I wanted to come welcome your group personally.” He took her hand, kissed her knuckles. “And tell you again how much I enjoyed our evening together.”
“Oh, well…” she looked at Austin across the room. He stared at her, his eyes intense. Hailey politely freed her fingers from Donte’s grip. “Thank you. I had a wonderful time.”
“Will you join me for dinner? Perhaps tomorrow night?”
Hailey glanced at Austin again, studying the clipboard Jackson had handed him. “Um, Donte, I’m flattered—very flattered. But I’m actually seeing someone.”
A smile lit his face. “You misunderstand, Hailey. I think of you as a friend. A beautiful friend with a sharp, fascinating mind.”
Hailey felt the blush rush to her cheeks. “I apologize.” She closed her eyes, mortified. “God, this is embarrassing.”
Donte chuckled. “You delight me. You have no reason to be embarrassed.”
She relaxed seeing the humor dancing in his eyes. She smiled. “You’re very kind.” She touched his arm. “I hate to say no twice, especially after making a fool of myself, but the Project has strict rules about us staying together as a group. I’m afraid that for the remainder of my stay in Mexico, I have to keep close to my team and our guards.” She looked at Austin again, caught his eye, sent him a small smile that he didn’t return.
A gorgeous blonde stepped close to Austin and said something. He turned to her, smiling. Hailey squashed her knee-jerk insecurity as she watched Austin and the blonde carry on a conversation. The woman was so stunning, so classy. Definitely better suited for Austin.
Hailey clenched her hands. No, she wasn’t doing this. Austin was surrounded by beautiful women on a daily basis. It was pretty much a job requirement when working with the Hollywood set. She refused to make herself crazy over something so petty. Austin either wanted Hailey or he didn’t, but thoughts like that would stop right here.
Hailey returned her attention to Donte. “Donte, if you’ll excuse me, I should get back to the group. Thank you for stopping by, for supporting our cause.”
“You’re very welcome. I hope you won’t mind if I pop by the sites on occasion. I enjoy nothing more than watching people give back. It’s truly beautiful.”
As Hailey studied the handsome man in front of her, she still couldn’t see the bad in him that Austin kept insisting was there. Why did he dislike Donte so much? “I couldn’t agree more. We would love to have you whenever you want.” If Austin would try to get to know him, he would see that Donte was a kind, generous person.
“Go enjoy your friends, Hailey. Enjoy your time here in Mexico.”
“I will. Thank you again.” Hailey skirted the crowd and walked over to Jackson Matthews.
“Hey, there.” He enveloped her in a bear hug. Jackson was as solid as Austin, as stupendously hot with his bold blue eyes and dark golden hair, but about five inches shorter than Austin’s six-foot-two stature.
She hugged him back. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“So, I hear we’ll be spending a lot of time together. Thank God I like you.” He nudged her in the side.
Hailey grinned. She’d always enjoyed Jackson. Not only was he easy on the eyes, but his great sense of humor kept her in smiles. They’d had a chance to get to know each other when he accompanied her and Kylee to London during Sarah’s nightmare stalker experience.
“So, who’s the hotshot you were talking to?”
“Oh, that was Donte Rodriguez. He’s my brother’s boss. I had dinner with him the other night.”
Jackson frowned. “I thought you and muscle man,” he tilted his head toward Austin, “were an item.”
“Word travels fast.”
“Especially when it comes from the horse’s mouth.”
“Austin and I are ‘an item.’” Hailey made air quotes as she smiled. “I had dinner with Donte and my brother. It was strictly business.”
“I’m just messing with you.” He winked and nudged her again. “I’m happy for you. For both of you. I think you’re good for each other.”
She grinned. “I think so too.”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to get the hell out of here and get to our new and improved accommodations.”
Before Hailey could agree, Jackson whistled through his teeth, bringing everyone to attention. “All right, guys, let’s get this show on the road.”
Twenty minutes later, two noisy, chattering groups wandered to the vans waiting at the edge of the main building. Austin led from the front, serious, official, in work mode, as Jackson stayed to the back.
Hailey attempted to hurry ahead, wanting to talk to Austin. He’d barely spared her a look since her conversation with Donte. She wanted to make sure he hadn’t gotten the wrong impression.
“Excuse me.” Hailey smiled as she hurried by another teammate dragging a bulging suitcase. The commotion and screams of the lead group stopped her in her tracks.
“Get them back inside,” Austin shouted to Jackson.
Jackson rushed forward, herding frantic and confused members to the sliding doors. “Everyone in. Let’s go.”
As the crowd dissipated, Hailey stood frozen in her spot, horror-struck. Right in front of her were four bloody bodies, limbs or heads missing. Their torsos had knives sticking out of them and huge letters charred into pale, dead skin—“ZU.” A hand sheathed in an ornate pair of brass knuckles lay next to one of the van’s back tires. A blood soaked wife-beater on an upright torso had “PAYMENT FOR YOUR FAILED WARNING” painted across the chest. The lone head among the carnage, garbed in a green skullcap, sat impaled on a stake among the tropical flowers in front of the van’s parking spots.
Hailey’s breath rushed in then wheezed out as she gripped the handle of her luggage. The gore was like nothing she’d ever seen.
“Get her in.” She heard Austin shout through the fog of her mind.
Hailey’s gaze traveled from the slaughter scattering the ground to the sobbing blonde in Austin’s arms.
“Come on, Hailey.” Jackson turned her away and put an arm around her, escorting her into the airport. “You don’t need to see this.”
The nervous babble of Hailey’s group members floated around her as she watched cop cars arrive, lights blazing, and screech to a halt outside the sliding doors. Jackson joined Austin as he spoke to an officer just inside the airport.
“Hailey, come on.” Mia, pale, and trembling, came to Hailey’s side. “We’re all pretty shaken up. Let’s get a water, sit down, and wait.”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll be right there,” she said, pressing a hand to her shuddering stomach as Mia walked off with the group.
Mia called for her again but Hailey couldn’t turn away. Austin still held the gorgeous blonde against his chest, speaking close to her ear as she clutched at his shirt.
Chapter 19
FOUR WEEKS LATER, HAILEY LAY in her bunk, exhausted, frustrated, and alone. She was definitely earning each credit the university would cough up. The fourteen-hour days were grueling, but she was loving every second of her experience—the volunteering, her grou
p members, the resilient hearts of the Mexican people.
So, why was she so unhappy?
Hailey rolled to her side, sighing, and stared out at the moon. She knew exactly why. Austin. They’d barely seen each other, had talked even less. When she was coming, he was going.
After their horrific first day at the airport, teams one and two had been virtual strangers. She still hadn’t cleared the air after her brief conversation with Donte. Each time she saw Austin, Jen wasn’t far away.
Hailey tried to remind herself it didn’t matter that the classy, rich blonde was more suited to Austin’s character. She tried to remember their amazingly romantic week at the resort, their last moments in the airport, but all that seemed so far away—almost as if it had been a dream.
Had she dreamed it? Hailey sat up with a start. Was she suffering from some weird form of grandiose hallucinations?
Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes, sick of her own racing thoughts. Hailey blew out a frustrated breath and lay back down. She’d had enough psychology classes to realize she was attempting to distract herself from the real issue: her fear of losing Austin. As the first month flew by, she’d worried that what they’d had was slipping through her fingers.
Hailey gripped the sheets and pulled them to her chin. What would she do if she lost him? How would she get through that kind of pain again?
She tossed the covers back. This was exactly why she’d avoided serious relationships. The deep feelings left her insecure, vulnerable. She hated it.
She had Sarah and Ethan, Morgan and Hunter, the girls. They were her family, her constants. Hailey never once worried they would leave, that they would make her feel fourteen and defenseless, lost, and more than anything, alone.